Utility Billing


The City supplies municipal water and sanitary sewer service to the community. The main source of City water is the State Water Project - North Bay Aqueduct. Total system capacity is 12 million gallons per day (mgd). Peak usage during the Winter is 4 mgd and during the Summer, 8 mgd. A comprehensive report can be obtained from the Public Works Department, 746-4240. Details about City fees can be found in Section 13.12 of the Municipal Code.

The City inspects and maintains 148 miles of sewer lines in the streets, and owns and operates a 4.5 million-gallon per day water treatment facility. The plant provides primary and secondary treatment.

The City Wastewater Treatment Plant opened in 1958, was expanded to secondary Treatment in 1978 (phase I). A major renovation and improvement project was completed in 2000. This $30 million project will improve the plant's reliable capacity for wastewater service to Benicia businesses and residents, while meeting state and federal environmental regulations.

Wastewater sewer service charges and connection fees are based on a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved formula. Connection fees are calculated per 1,000 square feet per EDU and type of use (i.e., strength), unless otherwise indicated. The fees are further detailed in Section 13.52 of the Municipal Code.